
Kenyan Girls Online- Beware of risks when dating online.

The internet has really transformed the way we live. The world is now literally at our finger tips or just a touch of a button away. As a result of this, we are now able to use the internet to accomplish a variety of tasks. Some of the tasks that the internet enables us to do includes jobs, education and health related tasks. Increasingly, as people become busier, they are choosing to date in fast and convenient ways. To this end therefore, the internet has become one of the places where men and women meet, socialize and ultimately date. However, this great opportunity also carries with it immense risks. For instance, child and human traffickers are known to infiltrate online dating sites in order to meet vulnerable people. Trade in human organs has become one of the lucrative underhand trades of late, and thus every care must be taken in order to date online safely. You should take the following steps when dating online.

-Only reveal basic information.
There is no need to reveal all your information that a person can use to track you. For instance, one will realize that many Kenyans give too much information when commenting on the FM and discussion topics in the morning and evening. Someone could use the phone number maliciously. By revealing too much information, one will also be very vulnerable online as their accounts could be hacked into. Hackers use personal information on such sites to guess your password and then hack into your email accounts or steal any private information. If they know your birthday, town, school, girlfriend, boyfriend, they could well use that information to guess a password into your accounts. According to internet security experts, the most hacked into passwords contain the following: 12345, 1234567, 12345678, iloveyou, name of boyfriend, name of girlfriend, name of high school etc. So, it’s advisable to use a password that contains letters, numbers, lower case letters, uppercase letters and a mix of other characters. Of course, it’s important that you can remember the password. It's also important to be cautious of the photos and pictures that you post on the internet.

-If you agree to meet with a person whom you got to meet online, is advisable that you meet in an open place and be accompanied by another person. This will make sure that situations such as rape, trafficking and abduction do not take place.

So, while it’s true that some have found love online, it’s also undeniable that others have landed into big trouble dating Kenyan men online and Kenyan girls online.

1 comment:

  1. So long as you don't share all your information with everybody, online dating is secure. Everyone has shared information on Facebook. Online dating is the same. Meet Kenyan singles
