
Best jobs in Kenya 2011

(Some thoughts).Which are the best jobs in Kenya? A report released by PWC Kenya sometime back showed some intriguing statistics. According to the report, the highest paid CEO in Kenya apparently comes from the financial sector. Some of the highest paying jobs in Kenya are listed below.

Finance Jobs.
Since finance guys manly deal with money, they sure will be paid highly. This is perhaps the reason why so many graduates want to troop over to the financial field. Jobs in the finance sector include insurance professionals, bankers, investment bankers and analysts, Financial analysts, accountants, auditors etc. This trend is not unique to Kenya alone. Worldwide, many young people are increasingly choosing careers that will bring the most material benefits in the shortest time possible. This is the reason why graduates of all academic fields routinely troop to Wall Street, Hong Kong, London and other financial capitals of the world. The downside to careers in the finance industry is that they may lead to burnout out quickly and it is pretty easy to get laid off/sacked.

Media Jobs.
Careers in the media have come full circle. This is partly as a result of the liberalization of the media sector. News anchors, radio presenters, journalists and editors are now some of the highest paying careers in Kenya. In effect, media stations are commercial merchandisers, helping brands improve there recognition.

Marketing/Sales executive jobs
However great a company’s product is, it would pretty be hard for the company to make money if it doesn’t know how to sell. Marketers, brand managers and sales people work hand in hand to ensure that the there companies create a unique value proposition for there consumers.

IT/Programming jobs/electrical engineering jobs.
We now live in the information age and IT guys are very much in demand. However, there are thousands of IT graduates that are jobless which means that either the available capacity in the country is reduced or the IT graduates don’t have the highly technical skills that the companies require.
Health Jobs
Jobs in the healthcare industry are in demand as people will always need to be healthy.
The list above is in no way exhaustive of the best jobs in Kenya 2011 but rather, just a glimpse.

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